One-time consult:
This is typically a 2-hour (unless you choose to have more) SEO consult whereby we will spend the first hour analyzing your site (on/offisite), putting together findings (sometimes in the form of a loom video) for you to ponder, as well as an action plan. The second hour is spent pouring over this with you, and explaining where your weaknesses lie, as well as your biggest opportunities. Together, we’re going to prioritize them for you, and if we can help out with implementation, we’ll point you in the right direction.
Monthly consulting:
This will start out much like the one-time consult, but will evolve into a partnership, whereby we will be just as responsible for the results as you are. After our first consult, we will setup a monthly cadence to review:
- Monthly report/metrics review
- What happened last month
- What should happen this month
- How is this helping us progress to our SEO goal